吉尔伽美什史诗-BBC Radio: In Our Time History(1)




    “He who saw the deep,” that’s the quotation of the first words of the Epic of Gilgamesh, set to be the great masterpieces of literature. A poem with through 4000 years old in Mesopotamia modern day Iraq that we discovered in the 19th century. It tells Gilgamesh the king of Uruk with his best friend, his friend Enkidu fights the giants and kills Bull of Heaven and alone travels across the water of death to meet one man who survived the great flood. Then hope to learn from him how to live forever. In his adventure, Gilgamesh becomes a wiser man and a better king and learns excepting mortality.We have much but not all of the ancient text from clay tablets got the name model and so they're more discoveries that we got to continue to fill the gaps. We’ve meant to discuss the Epic of Gilgamesh with Andrew Gorge, professor Babylonian ……

(这段一上来就说恩奇都是闪闪的best friend也是十分公认的事实了哈哈哈,不过竟然也有刀子啥的....

    Why do we look for the origin of the Gilgamesh poem? 

    We don’t know much about the poem, the first thing we know about the poem is that it was written down on clay tablets and it can form script in the very first century of the second millennium B.C. That’s nearly four thousand years ago. But we can judge I think from the style of the poem umm, from its use of features of oral poetry, oral epic poetry particular, it was once, I think umm a poem that was told by men’s truth, told by birds some perhaps orally before it became written down.

    So four thousand is a low marker it was a few hundred years maybe a thousand few years before then. But we don’t know, it’s just educated guess.

    We don’t know but as you say it’s educated guess. But what we do find is because the material which the epic is written on clay tablets in the kind of form of script. It’s very durable. Then we find that we got pieces of this poem, from many centuries from that time about 19th century BC right down to 100th BC. So we can observe the evolution and the development of the poem crossing enormous time spend, which is extremely exciting.

    You have a view of who wrote this poem, I mean, you thought it was eight-person it wasn’t the (人名 ). Can you develop that?

     Well, I think that both positions are some way incorrect, certainly, it seems to me that the poem suggests itself it is the work of a single creative genius but on the other hand. Because it has integrity of emm, of mood and thoughts behind it, it seems to me that it must be the work of one man but on the other hand the creation of literature in ancient Mesopotamia as elsewhere traditionally depends on using the given material and a lot of folk law existing in ancient Mesopotamia which we don’t know, but which is used by the poem of Gilgamesh in constructing this great poem.

    So it was first written down, as far as, let it say it’s four thousand years ago, and you think about a thousand years later another person got hold of it and changed it quite a lot.

    It seems to be the case the poem that we have in the oldest fragment has, it seems a very different mood, from the poem that has much better preserve from the thousand years later. And Babylonians themselves gave us the name of the poet a name that seems to be younger than the oldest version of the poet. So it seems that the mood changes from a poet saw the glory of an epic hero the glory of the hero and the king of all, to one that is essentially meditation of poem(upon) the facts of life, particularly on death. This seems to me as the intervention in the poem which is very considerable, changes that completely and I think that is also the work of the individual.



    How did the text retrace?

    The text retraces on clay tablets as I said, these have come to letters since in1850s generally. In the tense of thousands of the first great discovery in 1850, resulted in twenty-thousand of clay tablets with the uniform script on them being sent back to the British Museum. And there they set for 15 years until in 1866 the museum authority appointed a young man to solve them. And this was George Smith, and by ten years after that, a period which uniformed script was properly deciphered, the language which used to script began to be properly studied and understood. He was able, the ten years after, beginning his work gave a fair translation of the preserver part s of epic that we were unknown. Not necessarily in the right order.(…..)

    What’s been happening since George Smith is the further discovery of the tablets, and this is going on that we are centrally pioneers in the semiology, recovering the world’s oldest literature no just Gilgamesh but many other compositions, and these works continue and I’ve been the latest person that have privilege that brings together the text of Gilgamesh.



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